
2018 Adult Retreat Wrap-Up

Beth and I were fortunate to be able to attend the VHF Adult Retreat held March 24 - 25 in Virginia Beach. The first speaker on Saturday was Georgia Panopoulos, PhD, LP who presented wonderful information on pain, anxiety, and depression. So much good dialogue...

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End of Session Update

Last week the House and Senate named members to serve as conferees. These members will work together through the budget conference process to create the final 2018-2020 biennium budget. The House’s budget conferees include 4 new members*: Jones, Peace*, Knight*,...

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Eat Frozen Yogurt – Support VHF!

Virginia Hemophilia Foundation is teaming up with The Skinny Dip Frozen Yogurt Bar during Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month! Stop by any participating store in March and “round-up” your purchase, and 100% of the proceeds will go toward supporting the VHF programs and...

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Website Sponsors

CSL Behring - Biotherapies for Life