When: Sunday, October 20th, 11:00 am Where: Robious Landing Park, Midlothian Register: www.uniteforbleedingdisorders.org/event/rva Our Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk is kicking into high gear and coming up in about 6 weeks on October 20th! We hope you will join us...
National Preparedness Month is observed each September and is sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). National Preparedness Month promotes family and community disaster and emergency planning now and throughout the year. The 2019 theme is...
Krista Davidson | HACA/VHF Advocacy Committee Co-chair It’s hard to believe that the VHF annual education meeting has come and gone (go here to see photos from the meeting)! We had an excellent time this year in Natural Bridge and heard from fantastic guest speakers...
Debbie Baugher is mother to 3 sons and proud grandmother to 3 grandsons and 1 granddaughter. The youngest grandchild Ray is how she became involved with the Virginia Hemophilia Foundation. “Before his birth in 2014, I had a limited knowledge of bleeding disorders....
Crystal Morris | Team Captain – One of 20,000 I’m Crystal and my husband Gary and I are always on the go keeping up with our kiddos: Allison (7) and her older brother Ethan (13). Ethan was diagnosed with hemophilia as a baby. Finding the Virginia...
VHF is excited to host an exclusive film screening of Bombardier Blood in the Living Sea theater at Nauticus Museum and we are thrilled that Chris Bombardier and Rob Bradford (Producer; Mountain Director/Cinematographer) will be joining us to discuss the film. Go here...