Thank You Donors!

CONTRIBUTIONS Fiscal Year July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022   Thank You! VHF is grateful to the dedicated supporters whose gifts make it possible for us to serve the inherited bleeding disorders community. The individuals and organizations listed below have made a...

We Are So Grateful For The Bleeding Disorders Community.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Virginia Hemophilia Foundation (VHF)! We are giving thanks to you for your support in 2022. Your donations, volunteer hours and attendance at events made a big impact and enabled us to deliver over 25 educational programs with strong...

2022 VHF Medical Symposium Wrap-Up

Over 150 VHF constituents of all ages gathered together on Saturday, October 15th for our Annual Medical Symposium held this year at the Great Wolf Lodge Conference Center in Williamsburg, VA. It was truly wonderful to offer this program in-person for the first time...