March is Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month!

March is Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month, and we need your help to spread awareness and raise funds! During the 2021 March Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month Campaign you helped us raise $6,367 (our goal was $2,500!) which allowed us to increase our Lyman Fisher...

Volunteer(s) of the Year Announcement!

VHF is proud to announce our 2021 Volunteer of the Year is George Stone. In a new category, we are also recognizing our 2021 Unite Walk Volunteer of the Year, Monika Eiden. Both George and Monika have demonstrated outstanding commitment to the mission of VHF this...

Volunteer of the Year Nominee: Monika Eiden

VHF is honored to nominate Monika Eiden, Global HR Director, AMF Bakery Systems, as our fourth Volunteer of the Year Nominee! Monika is a community member and active volunteer with the chapter as a committee member and recent BOD member. Monika has been involved with...

2021 Unite Walk – THANK YOU!

WOW! VHF would like to give a huge shout-out to all of our amazing teams, sponsors, donors and participants for this year’s Unite for Bleeding Disorders Virtual Walk! Together, we raised $33,243 to help those living with inherited bleeding disorders in this...

VHF Fall 2021 Advocacy Update

Becky Bowers-Lanier | VHF Advocacy Consultant This fall, we have two virtual advocacy events planned; one that already occurred on September 27th, and the other is our annual VHF/HACA Virtual Advocacy Stakeholder and Education Meeting set for November 13th at 4 pm....