Advocacy Tools

Advocacy is a key part of the mission of the Virginia Hemophilia Foundation (VHF). VHF works to educate elected officials and other key stakeholders about hemophilia and other related inherited bleeding disorders. Every year VHF hosts our Advocacy Training and Richmond Days where constituents from around the commonwealth gather for training and meetings with their elected state officials to share their story and educate them about current issues affecting the hemophilia/bleeding disorders community. VHF also participates in the National Bleeding Disorders Foundation’s annual Washington Days. This event provides an opportunity for constituents from across the nation to come together to learn about advocacy, discuss key issues impacting access to care, meet with elected officials, and put a face on hemophilia/bleeding disorders.

Go here to download our 2025 Advocacy Calendar »

Learn more about recent advocacy efforts in the bleeding disorders community:

Advocacy happens every day and there are many ways to participate in advocacy activities throughout the year, including:

  • Writing letters to your elected officials regarding proposed changes to law or regulations
  • Meeting with other state decision-makers, including state departments of insurance and Medicaid agencies
  • Educating health plans about the needs of the bleeding disorders community
  • Educating schools and employers about the needs of the bleeding disorders community
  • Advocating to your health care provider about your unique health care needs

If you are interested in learning more about advocacy and becoming a better advocate, take a few moments to explore the tools and resources below. Remember to check this page regularly for updates on advocacy issues and healthcare coverage.

To learn more about getting involved with Advocacy contact Kelly Waters at or 804-740-8643.

You and your stories can help us make a difference!

Advocacy Resources

If you’re new at advocacy, start with our Advocacy FAQs. This handout answers questions about what you need to know to become an advocate and how to contact your legislators.

For essential information on the Virginia General Assembly and how to talk with your legislators, visit Citizens guide to the General Assembly, created by Virginia Public Access Project. This website is a comprehensive guide that explains what to do before, during, and after your visit with your legislator.

Virginia State Capitol

State Resources

If you are seeking information on advocacy at the state level, visit the following websites:

US Capitol

Federal Resources

If you are seeking information on advocacy at the federal level, visit the following websites:

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Website Sponsors

CSL Behring - Biotherapies for Life
CSL Behring - Biotherapies for Life