July 1, 2023, is the beginning of VHF’s fiscal year, which includes welcoming new board members and thanking those that are rotating off. VHF is fortunate to have dedicated, knowledgeable, and skilled members leading the organization.

VHF would like to offer a special thank you to Vivek Kshetrapal, who served VHF as a board member from 2021-2023. He was a very active member of the development committee and instrumental in ensuring a successful UNITE Walk fundraiser. He is an expert fundraiser, generous donor, and always asked thoughtful questions and suggestions to help move VHF forward. Although he is stepping off the board, he will continue to support VHF in any way he can.

And we are excited to welcome these new Board Members to VHF.

Carla Boucher is a practicing attorney and has volunteered for numerous non-profit organizations over the last several years. Her family has a rare platelet disorder – Delta Storage Pool Deficiency. She has experience developing and writing long-term strategic and business plans, fundraising, and serving as a federal legislative advocate. She is hoping to give back “to the coagulation disorders community, in gratefulness for all the benefits I and my family have received.”

Sarahbeth Spasojevich is rejoining the board after rotating off for a year. During her previous years on the board, she served in numerous roles such as President of the board and fundraising committee chair. She has an MBA, a Master’s in literature, and recently earned a degree in Clinical Mental Health. She is looking forward to “giving back to an organization that has meant a lot to her and her family and sharing whatever resources would be helpful.”

Gene White recently retired as a Senior Systems Engineer with Towne Bank. He has banking knowledge, IT knowledge, project management skills and real-world experience raising a child with hemophilia. He has been an active VHF member for years and has also been involved with several nonprofits. He has great organizational and communication skills and is looking forward to “giving back to the community that has helped over the years.”

Faith Winstead works as a Senior Assistant Public Defender and has been a community member since 2015. Her son and whole family “received a lot of positive support from VHF, and she would love to devote some time to helping the organization as we emerge from the COVID era.” She is a creative leader, and values diversity and inclusivity. She founded and ran a non-profit and has served on boards in the past. Faith is looking forward to helping everyone in the community reconnect with each other.