We are very excited to announce registration is open for the 2021 Virginia Hemophilia Foundation Unite for Bleeding Disorders Walk! Our goal for 2021 is to host an in-person event, following local and state safety guidelines, to ensure a safe, welcoming and fun experience for all! We hope you will join us in person in Midlothian or celebrate virtually by walking with your friends and family in your own neighborhood.
This year’s Unite Walk will take place Sunday, October 17, 2021 at Robious Landing Park. Registration will open at 1pm and the walk will start at 2:30 pm! We hope this later time of day will allow community members from outside the area to attend. Plan for a safe, socially distanced good time with your bleeding disorders community.
REGISTER TODAY to help us raise $35,000 for this year’s Unite Walk! Every dollar raised for the Unite Walk stays 100% local to VHF and goes toward supporting our many educational programs, advocacy efforts year-round, and community programs to unite us. You can register as a walker or as a virtual walker—your preference!
All who start a team OR register as an individual walker and self-donate any amount in the month of May, will be entered to win one of 3 Unite “swag bags” including an insulated tumbler mug! Please plan to ask all adults to register by sending your team link once you start a team. You may register children who will be attending the walk with you.
THANK YOU for all your support- we cannot wait to celebrate with you this fall!