VHF would like to warmly thank every person who donated and helped spread awareness for our March Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month Campaign. From news articles to school-wide awareness campaigns to Facebook Fundraisers, you truly banded together as a community of...

VHF State Advocacy Update – Spring 2021

Becky Bowers-Lanier | VHF & HACA Advocacy Consultant The Virginia General Assembly Special Session 1 adjourned sine die March 1, 2021. This special session built off the regular session which began January 8, 2021 and extended 30 days until February 8th, at which...

George Stone, 2021 VHF Volunteer of the Year Nominee

VHF is honored to recognize George Stone as our first nominee for 2021 Volunteer of the Year! George has been an active constituent with VHF for years, but since joining our Volunteer Program he has truly given back in generous and consistent ways—showing an aptitude...

March is Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month

March is Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month, and throughout the month we will be fundraising on behalf of our 2021 Scholarship Program! This month, we hope you will consider a one-time donation or a monthly gift to VHF in support of this critical program for our...

ACA Marketplaces to Reopen February 15 – May 15, 2021

From the Virginia Health Benefit Exchange Email: In accordance with an Executive Order issued on January 28th by President Biden, CMS announced a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) for individuals and families for coverage in...