Ways to Give

Thank you for your support of the Virginia Hemophilia Foundation (VHF). For some popular ways to give back and help us serve the inherited bleeding disorders community in Virginia, see below. If you have other ideas or questions, please contact Kelly Waters, Executive Director, at 804-740-8643 or info@vahemophilia.org. We look forward to working with you!

Make A Gift

You can make a tax deductible donation to VHF anytime by clicking on the green “Donate Now” button OR you can mail your donation to VHF at 9702 Gayton Rd., Suite 277, Richmond, VA 23238 (make checks payable to Virginia Hemophilia Foundation). Does your company offer matching gifts? Double your impact by making a gift to VHF today! Go here to learn more »

Join Our Hope Society

Make a monthly gift to be part of our Hope Society – a special group of people whose commitment to the ongoing operations and the future of VHF help give hope to those living with inherited bleeding disorders. Your monthly gift will make a difference – no matter the amount.

To Join Our Hope Society – click on the green “Donate Now” button, select the amount of your monthly donation or check “other” and write in any amount, check the box next to “Show my support by making this a recurring donation”, and then complete the form. To stop recurring payments contact Kelly Waters at 804-740-8643 or info@vahemophilia.org.

Thank you to our current Hope Society Donors: Sarah Waniewski Eckhart, Therese Ihrig, Jeff and Christine Krecek, Donald and Beth Smith, Steve and Sarahbeth Spasojevich, Kelly Waters, Barbara Wheatley, and Jerry Wilson.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Contact Kelly Waters at info@vahemophilia.org or call 804-740-8643 for more information. 

Support VHF During Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month

March is Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month (BDAM) and a great time to show support and raise awareness for the bleeding disorders community. This month aims to bring together people with inherited bleeding disorders to raise awareness of these rare conditions and their potential challenges. Throughout this BDAM season we will be focusing our fundraising efforts on our scholarship program which includes our Lyman Fisher Scholarship, travel grants for national meetings (via our Terry Lamb Enrichment Scholarship), and our Terry Lamb Enrichment Scholarship. Learn more »

Honorarium and Memorials

Through an honorarium or a memorial, you can recognize loved ones with a gift that helps support the inherited bleeding disorders community. We will send the honoree or the family of the memorialized an acknowledgment letter to inform them of your gift. This meaningful tribute will be used to support our community via educational and support programs, an annual meeting, medic alert bracelets, summer camp, teen, adult, and family retreats, seminars for parents, etc.

Make your honorarium or memorial gift securely online now by clicking on the green “Donate Now” button, in the comment section of the donation form designate your contribution “In Honor” or “In Memory” of someone, and let us know who to notify.

Legacy Society

You can be a part of VHF’s Legacy Society by remembering VHF in your estate plan or will. In doing so, you will directly impact the lives of people living with inherited bleeding disorders. You will also touch the lives of those who might someday be affected – your special gift to us will have a lasting impact. For more information call 804-740-8643 or email info@vahemophilia.org for more information.

CHC: Creating Healthier Communities

VHF is a member of CHC: Creating Healthier Communities’ workplace giving campaign in Virginia. To donate to VHF with the state employee campaign (Local Government and Schools United Way), direct your donation to #06043. Go here to learn more »

Newsletter Sign Up

Icon for Newsletter Sign Up Learn more about the bleeding disorders community!

Sign-up today »

Become a Sponsor

Contact Kelly Waters at info@vahemophilia.org or call 804-740-8643 for more information.

Website Sponsors

CSL Behring - Biotherapies for Life
CSL Behring - Biotherapies for Life