Join VHF, HTC staff and mentor families for a virtual program for new families! This program is designed to support families of infants and young children with hemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders ages 0-10 with community connection and education. This program is free and open to VHF constituents.
Topic: Ages and Stages: Early Childhood (Ages 0-10)
This virtual session will help parents better understand what they can expect behaviorally and emotionally throughout the early years of childhood. Child development, temperament, common mood and behavior problems and parenting strategies will be discussed. The session will include some bleeding disorder specific information, for example, when a child can start to self-infuse from a behavioral standpoint not a medical standpoint, how (hemophilia) treatments progress with age, and the prevalence of anxiety and other behavioral challenges among children with bleeding disorders.
Presenter: Juliana S. Bloom, Ph.D., Pediatric Neuropsychologist at The Levin Center
This education program is presented in partnership with Hemophilia Federation of America (HFA).
Thank you to our New Family Education and Support Sponsors Genentech and Takeda.
As we gather virtually to discuss, share and learn, we ask that all Virginia Hemophilia Foundation (VHF) virtual program participants be thoughtful in their interactions and follow video meeting etiquette and rules of engagement. Disruptions to a session may lead to the removal and/or disabling of the participant’s video and microphone for part of or for the entire session. Thank you for helping VHF ensure a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all meeting participants and staff. Go here to read video meeting etiquette and rules of engagement.